mercredi 6 mai 2015

Is it possible to set e.Handled = true in a RelayCommand?

So I've got a hyperlink that I have hooked up to the code behind like so:


<TextBlock x:Name="Hyperlink" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="3" FontSize="14" Foreground="White">           
      <Hyperlink NavigateUri="{Binding StreetViewString}" RequestNavigate="Hyperlink_RequestNavigate" Foreground="White" StylusDown="Hyperlink_StylusDown" TouchDown="Hyperlink_TouchDown">

Code Behind

private void addToDiary_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    ((sender as Button).DataContext as MyViewModel).MyCommand.Execute(null);
    e.Handled = true;

But I would like to hook this straight up to the command it is executing

    private ICommand _myCommand;
    public ICommand MyCommand
            return _myCommand
                ?? (_myCommand= CommandFactory.CreateCommand(
                () =>

but the only thing that is stopping me is that I cannot set e.Handled = true from my command. Is it possible to do this without using the code behind?

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