I am trying to play music in the background of a game I'm working on. I'm using SDL2 and SDL-mixer for the first time. I compiled them myself and put the files at the root of my program folder (for portability purposes). Now when I run the game, no sound is playing and Mix_GetError() returns this error:
"Mixer not built with MP3 support"
I'm trying to play a MP3 file, but I get the same error when I try to initialize with OGG and other formats.
Here's the function, if it's at all relevant.
int play_sound(void)
int mp3;
Mix_Music *music;
mp3 = MIX_INIT_MP3;
music = NULL;
if (mp3 != Mix_Init(mp3))
return (put_error(Mix_GetError()));
if (Mix_OpenAudio(22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096) == -1)
return (-1);
music = Mix_LoadMUS("data/music.mp3");
Mix_PlayMusic(music, -1);
return (0);
I haven't found much on that particular issue, but I think the problem comes from me compiling SDL2 and SDL-mixer from sources. I must've forgot something, but I don't really know... I'm on OSX by the way (and not really used to it yet).
Thanks everyone for the help!
edit/ I have not tried with a WAV file.
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