mercredi 6 mai 2015

Xaml bind object to each cell of a datagrid

am new to wpf and C# and mvvm. Currently am working on a Reversi game ,specificaly ui and viewmodel.

In the Vm I currently have setup this hierarchy --> the Vm contains a List of RowVieModels ---> the RowViewModels have a list of SquareViewModels --> each SquareViewModel represent a square on the reversi gameboard.

the thing am stuck on is how can I bind each SquareViewModel to the grid on my xaml ui? The thing I've thought up is to bind each RowViewModel to a row on the grid and from there bind each square but I don't know how to do the binding.

this is the SquareViewModel

 class SquareViewModel
    private ICell<ISquare> square;

    public ISquare squareproperty

        get { return this.square.Value; }
        private set { this.square.Value = value; }

    public SquareViewModel(ISquare square)
        this.square.Value = square;


    public Player getOwner()

        return this.square.Value.Owner.Value;

    public void zetSteen(Player player)
        this.square.Value.Owner.Value = player;


    public bool isValidMove()

        return this.square.Value.IsValidMove.Value;


    public Vector2D getPositie()

        return this.square.Value.Position;



and this is the grid I want to bind to

            <DataGrid  x:Name="grid"  Background="AntiqueWhite" Width="400px" Height="400px"  >

Thanks in advance!

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